Sears Ontario Drama Festival Seaway District Festival Awards 2016 Adjudicator: Donnie Boughs
Awards of Outstanding Merit DIRECTION - Jen Rochon - This is a Text - Holy Trinity CSS DIRECTION - Maddie Thompson - Danny King of the Basement - St Lawrence SS ACTING - Rachel Hunter - The Death of Me - Russell HS ACTING - Ross McIntyre - The Death of Me - Russell HS COMPANY - Choice of Play and Spirit - Danny King of the Basement - St. Lawrence SS ACTING - Anna Villeneuve - Sibling Sleuths - St. Joe's CSS CREATIVE USE OF COSTUMES - Sibling Sleuths - St. Joe's CSS CREATIVE USE OF TECHNICAL ELEMENTS - This Is A Text - Holy Trinity CSS
Awards of Excellence ACTING - Emily Bray - Postponing the Heat Death of the Universe - Holy Trinity CSS ACTING - Ben Pilon - Rabbit - Holy Trinity CSS TECHNICAL THEATRE AND PRODUCTION VALUE - Rabbit - Holy Trinity CSS ENSEMBLE ACTING - Nick Sauve, Blair Petryna, and Austin Wile - Mere Mortals - St. Lawrence SS ACTING - Jasper Ross - Danny King of the Basement - St. Lawrence SS ACTING AND TECHNICAL COORDINATION - Russell HS - The Death of Me
Outstanding Productions Mere Mortals - St. Lawrence SS Rabbit - Holy Trinity CSS |